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I was listening to this song yesterday and it inspired me.

‘Holes’ by Passenger

The Chorus really touched me:

Where we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Where we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on
Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Where we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

I think we can easily explain our lack of motivation for change with the holes in our lives.

You know those areas, that we believe can never change. Those dark places, that we don’t show many people.

Rather than living a life despite those places of weakness. Taking little step by little step and allowing those closest to us to see our holey places, that they would turn to holy ones.

What are the holes, the stories, the places of lack that are stopping you from living inspired?

Turn those broken places into places of strength and inspiration.

Join me on my journey towards inspiration in March. Decide to do something for the month of March.

Yeah we have holes, but we carry on…

Speak tomorrow



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Birthday Cake for Breakfast

max bday

max bday two

Some days you just need to have Birthday cake for breakfast. Today is Maximus’ second birthday and life couldn’t be better. We have face timed all our favourites, phone calls from New Zealand, chatted with my 90 year old Granma and his new words today are ‘Party more, party more.’

Today is a day to celebrate.



Little moments

Big moments



Everything I waited 36 years for.

Speak tomorrow when the sugar haze fades.



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One of the greatest lessons in life and all things creative, is developing patience to wait for that which we are longing for.

Waiting is one of the hardest parts of our everyday human life.

Waiting for those dreams to arise, waiting for that partner to do life with, waiting for that perfect moment to capture the beauty that escapes as quickly as it arrives.


What are you waiting for?

Do you feel frustrated in the wait?

Are you allowing it to stretch and grow you?

I know these questions are so frustrating but when you find the answer to them, maybe part of the angst will subside or not.

Waiting is painful, it promotes growth and stretches our capacity to places that we never knew were possible.

I know the things that I have waited the longest for are the sweetest of victory and the greatest of pursuits.

It is worth waiting for that which is best.

The wait is worth it.

Whoever, you are who is questioning the wait, take it from me, it is worth it in the end.

I promise.





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burn, burn, burn…

burnToday marks the start of a very special week, it is birthday week for my little man Maximus, he turns two this Wednesday. Tonight is family night and I have been baking cupcakes and covered them in all things aeroplane and helicopter!

It is times such as this, that you take time to reflect on what you want for your children. I find birthday’s very sobering. Another year older, a time of reflection and a time of thanksgiving.

I am thankful that I even had the opportunity to become a Mum, because so much of my life I thought I wouldn’t be one.

My heart felt cry for my son as he grows a year older that he would find what he was created for.

“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.”
Jack Kerouac, On the Road

That Maximus would be a little mad. That he would embrace his eccentricities and he would burn. 


That he would live life to the fullest.

His current obsession is Helicopters and as I write he is laying on the bed beside me watching a helicopter documentary on my iPhone. His Oupa is a aeroplane mechanic and he is enthralled with anything that flies.

That he would live inspired.

Inspired to live for others and beyond himself.

I don’t want him to be like everyone else.

I want him to embrace life to the fullest and live boldly.

What do you want for your life?

Do you want to just fit in?

Do you want to live a common life?

or do you want to live on the edge, embracing the uniqueness of your life and live inspired.

I have begun a little project called March Inspired read this link to find out more and join the journey towards living March more inspired.

Must get back to finishing my cupcake project.

Speak tomorrow


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Yesterday I launched a new initiative called March Inspired… You can read more at this link, I’d love you to join us. I have decided to write my next book everyday for 30 days of March. Finishing on the 31st of March where I will be speaking at the Perth SPARC event. I thought I should start to brush up a little more on my biggest weakness in writing.

My grammar!

There is a new website that has been recently released called ‘The Hemingway’ .

It is a very basic website, that analysis’s your writing and suggests changes that make your writing more efficient.

You paste your piece of writing simply on the page and watch the colours denote the area’s of error and improvement required.

A simple but brilliant tool for speeches, blogs and writing.

I love creative writing but am terrible at grammar. I am more excited about new ideas and thoughts, than the pain of going back and editing my work.

If I am going to start calling myself a writer though, I don’t have a choice but to improve this area of my work.

My friend Elaine Fraser from Beautiful Books, uses this tool with her writing from Microsoft word, it is called Readability mode.

Hope this inspires you to write often and write well.
