March is an amazing month, to refocus and reset your goals. Everything is back to normal after the silly season of Christmas and the New Year. Life as you know it has a little more routine. There is no time like the present to commit to bringing change and inspiration to your days.
What would you like to commit to doing for 30 days, to bring inspiration, innovation and creativity into your year?
You could write, sew, paint or draw. Also you could make cards, pot plant, knit or exercise. Do you need to read more, bake for others or Cook through a recipe book? You could have coffee with 30 inspiring people, Pray, Meditate, Stretch or Walk… the options are endless.
I wrote recently about how I wrote my first book Capture 30 days , in 30 days.
It takes 30 days to form a new habit. 30 days of doing something is a powerful change tool.
At the beginning of 2014, I started drawing in my visual diary every day for the whole year. I have been posting them here and on social media it is called #inspire14 and some other creatives have joined me on the journey.
Also, March marks the month where the season of Lent begins. Lent is the 40 day period leading up to Easter. It begins on the 5th of March and ends on the 20th of April. Lent is an amazing time, to reflect and sacrifice and bring perspective on area’s of your life that you need to bring change to.
What I want to encourage my readers to do, is to commit to doing something inspiring every day for 30 days in March. (you could carry it on through lent if you wanted)
March inspired
I want to encourage you to first of all do a word brainstorm like this one I have done below.
1) Say yes!
2) Print out this worksheet for March Inspired and answer the questions to prepare yourself for the 30 day journey.
3) Send me an email on amanda@amandaviviers.com for accountability and encouragement towards your 30 day journey. I will commit to skyping or online chatting with you at some point during the journey, if you would like that.
4) #inspire14 with your journey through facebook or instagram.
5) Start March 1st.
6) If you are in Perth I am speaking at a SPARC gathering at the cheeky sparrow on the 31st of March and we can celebrate together your accomplishment.
This year I have committed to publishing two e-books. 1) YESTEMBER– a 30day guided journey for singles 2) Curate- 30 days to cultivate creativity. (both of which are my very loose working titles.) So I need to commit, before baby number two arrives to write. So for the month of March I am writing each day for publication 1) Yestember.
I wholeheartedly believe, when you reflect on what you want to do and then you ask someone to hold you accountable to it, the likelihood of committing to it is so much higher.
Lets live inspired together.