I am so excited about the series that is to unfold over the month of August.
I have asked six of my writer friends, to guest post over the month so that I can snuggle with my newborn and be inspired along with you.
Mondays we sit with Jeff and Julie Crabtree and marvel at their world called the Zebra Collective, yesterday I introduced how much this couple have impacted my life.
Tuesdays we fold into a couch with a cup of tea and a book with a series called ‘Books that changed me’ by Em Hazeldean.
Let me introduce this amazing writer to you…
She writes often on her little piece of land on the internet at Tea Cups Too
She is a writer, she is a photographer.
Her instagram feed is beautiful and messy all in one. This is what I love. She pursues an authentic life not a filtered, sensitised one.
Her three children are her delight and she explores themes such as spirituality, motherhood, friendship and inspiration with truth and relevance in her writing.
She is a poet, a dreamer, a junk collector. Some of my favourite things in this whole world.
So each tuesday of August, grab a cup of tea and sit down with Em and explore the world of literature and her reflections on books that have changed her.
Each Tuesday there will be a link through to book depository as well, so you can buy the book with free postage to any part of the world.
I can’t wait
Signing off