In the land of all things creative, when you are struggling to find the answer, keep looking.
I need to be completely honest here.
I did not even write one word for my next book ‘Yestember‘ in the month of March.
I read.
I grappled.
I thought.
I talked.
I listened.
But nothing on paper.
I collected other peoples stories (of which I am still needing 8 more)…
But I didn’t even write an opening sentence.
I found quotes.
I started a branding.
But no words.
See the problem I have, is that I am not interested in writing another cliche line, that disappoints and confuses those who are single.
I am not interested in publishing something that doesn’t help.
When I was single and especially over 30, I read some of the most appalling books, that I was so desperate to get answers from.
I don’t want to produce answers, I want to provoke questions.
I don’t want to give a 3 point sermon that frustrates and belittles.
I don’t even want to minimise or maximise the season.
I am trusting the struggle right now.
No struggle = no thought.
So essentially I failed March inspired majorly.
Like not even one word after 30 days.
But I am trusting the struggle and staying in this uncomfortable place.
What struggle are you having to produce something great?
Stay in that place of restlessness until you breakthrough to that new place of promise.
Speak tomorrow.
Struggle town.
We would all like to see winners; if they can do it, I can do it. But I think what we all actually want is to see, people be people and people be real. That’s where the real win is!!
You inspire me with your fearless authenticity
I love doing this journey of failure and triumph with you jo. Thanks for saying yes!
Amazing! I also want you to know that your encouragement with #marchinspired helped me connect even deeper with my hubby as I wrote a note to him each day (most days;). It was the prompting I needed to remember how important he is to me for just being him, not Father, provider etc etc. So thank you for without #marchinspired I doubt that would have happened!
I don’t mind how long it takes for you to create this next book.. The wait will be worth it and I can’t wait to read it! x
Thanks so much Shan.
Feeling the love.
I for one look forward to hearing your insights on the whole singleness thing, especially over the age of 30 it’s a hard road xx
Thanks heaps Sandy. I am really grappling with the topic. Hope I can bring some good thoughts. Amanda