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Quick to forgive, slow to let go of the offence.


(roses from my Aunty’s garden)

Lately I have been thinking a lot about forgiveness.

What it means to truly forgive someone.

How to move forward and find new ways to relate with people involved but not hold an offence.

These have been the deep wanderings of my heart that have surfaced over the last few weeks.

I am mostly quick to say sorry. I also try my best to say someone is forgiven as soon as possible, but it takes me months, sometimes years to forget or let go of the offence.

I will contact someone if I feel like there is a awkwardness or problem but I am realising that I can say someone is forgiven, but feel deeply wounded inside.







Last night we said goodbye to my parents in law and afterwards I stood under the full moon and hung out the washing that had piled over the days.

I found myself thinking about stuff I had forgotten over the week because I was somewhat blissfully distracted.

My thoughts were loud.

Like the layering of a flower, petal after petal, hue after hue.

I stood there mid hanging of sheets and refreshed my heart and my mind, determined to let go of that which was just not helpful or true.

Today I started a Mums and Bubs Yoga class. I sat and stretched, rolled and breathed, aware of the thoughts that often plague my mind.

Every breath and every stretch reminded me of my commitment to cleansing the stream of thoughts that commit combat in my internal world.

8 Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. 9 Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realised  Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. 10 I’m glad in God, far happier than you would ever guess – happy that you’re again showing such strong concern for me. Not that you ever quit praying and thinking about me. You just had no chance to show it. 11 Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. 12 I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Philippians 4: 8-12

How do we forgive and let go well?

I am not sure it is a quick exercise.

I am sure it takes time, depending on the size of the hurt and the depth of the wound.

One thing I do know though, is the more we confront these ebbs in our hearts, the quicker we are to admit our own fault and when we accept that sometimes the relationship will never be the same again, the more complete is our transition towards forgiveness can be.

What thoughts do you have about forgiveness and letting go?

I am thinking a lot about 2015 at the moment and I feel a hint of a direction towards spending the whole year writing and learning about friendships.


How to be a better friend?

How do we make friends?

De-bunking the best friend theories?

How to commit and let go in the midst of transitioning seasons?

Lowering our expectations of others and ourselves?

How to be a good friend to your partner for life?

Friends with similar hobbies?

Deep Spirited soul friends?

Friendship in an online saturated society?

I am thinking of focussing one month on each topic, getting back to how this blog began 7 years ago, with the focus on 30 days of change and reflection.

Anyways, maybe this is why I am so drawn towards forgiveness and letting go of offences in this season, in preparation for the new.

Ever learning, ever growing, I am a work in progress.

Till tomorrow




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I feel safe now…

train tales

train tales 2

train tales 4

train tales 3Last tuesday, a week ago today, we went on an adventure.

My son Maximus is toilet training and one of his rewards is a train ride, when he wins in the toilet department.

Often he will run in and out of his room and tell us confidently ‘Next station stop…Canning bridge, next station stop…Kwinnnnaaannna’.

A regular tuesday, a typical day in the life of a toddler, a mumma, a body builder and a newborn.

A new playground, a much needed coffee, I wasn’t expecting a very simple story to enter my normal.

As we got off the train at Leederville station, I noticed a young woman standing tentatively at the bottom of the ramp.

I stood behind her waiting for her to start her journey upwards.

She looked at me and simply said ‘I am afraid of heights.’

I said to her, ‘That’s okay, do you want to hold my hand and we can walk the bridge together?’

You see this particular ramp off the train station at Leederville, connects to a bridge that takes you across a four lane highway.

My truck, train, bus, ambulance, helicopter, plane, car, anything that moves toddler thinks this bridge is absolutely brilliant, but for the fearful of heights I can see this would be a Mount Everest of trekking proportion.

So there I was, midday walking across a bridge holding hands with a stranger.

As we got closer to the end of the short journey, she turned to me and said simply ‘I feel safe now.’

I let go of her hand and she walked off to find her friends.

This young woman had downs syndrome and her tenacity at facing her fears and acknowledging her needs to a stranger was a profound lesson in trust to this novice mum.

I was thinking about this simple story a few days later and I likened it to my relationship with God and how much easier it could be if I just trusted him.

Stating what my fear was, walking across the distance holding his hand and then walking away knowing that I felt safe again.

This week I have been thinking about Psalm 136 and how His love endures forever. Across the chasms and the fears that engulf our days.

Psalm 136: 10-13

‘He rescued Israel from their oppressors = his love never quits.

Took Israel in hand with his powerful hand = his love never quits.

Split the red sea right in half = his love never quits.

Led Israel right down the middle = his love never quits.’

No matter what we are going through, no matter the fears we face, no matter the largeness of the journey we must endure, His love will never fail us.

He delights in us,

He fights for us,

He remembers us,

He cares for us.

His love never quits.



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an invincible summer



In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.

Albert Camus

Today summer found our house, even though it was cold, our hearts were full of family.

My husband was home, our beach shack shone, one of my dearest friends visited and we watched the sun go down as a family with one of my nephews playing basketball at the beach.

No matter the season, there is always another awaiting.

Are you sick of the season that you are in?

Search and seek.

Rearrange and reflect.

Another season awaits.

I am learning to love the season that I am in, more than ever before.

Food on the floor, slow morning’s, watering our lime tree in my PJ’s.

In us always lies an invincible summer we just have to seek it out.

Ask and it will be given.

Seek and you will find.

Knock and the door will be opened.

If you are stuck in a season that frustrates you, look for the summer within.

Beauty is everywhere, somedays we just have to dig deep to find it.

Till we meet again




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The creative narcissist


In my years of mentoring Creative Artists, I have found a really crazy emotional roller coaster that many of them ride.

One minute they are raving narcissists, completely self obsessed, believing that the whole world and every story relates back to them.

The next minute they are overwhelmed with crippling self doubt, unsure whether they will ever be able to produce anything ever again.

Do you ride that kind of emotional roller coaster often?

Narcissism is described as this;

Extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterising a personality type.

Self Doubt is described this way;

Lack of confidence in the reliability of one’s own motives, personality, thought, etc.

How do we walk comfortably in the pocket that exists between these two chasms?

I have found, the only true place of peace that can be found in the reality of human experience in the battle between these two evils, is humility.

Humility is described as this;

The quality of having a modest or low view of one’s importance.

I am sure you are saying?

Isn’t this definition saying that we should swing over to the crippling self doubt section of the spectrum?

Humility is not about self doubt, telling everyone how bad, crap or awful we are.

Humility is grounding ourselves in such a way that we know ‘what we are good at’, but we place ourselves in a place of service and preference towards others.

There is an old Jewish story that tells us that we should carry a little note in each of our coat pockets everyday. In each pocket there should be a piece of paper. On one of these pieces of paper it should say, “I am but ashes and dust.” In the other pocket, it should say, “For my sake the world was created.”

One of the best ways to stay in this place of humility, is building a great collaborative creative community in your life. The catch ups with these people, need to be just as much about their projects as yours.

Do you spend most conversations talking about yourself?

Do you spend most conversations with people worried about what they are thinking about you?

Do you just stop catching up with people creatively because you don’t want to waste their time full of self doubt?

Humility is not a form of self depreciation.

Humility is someone who knows their worth, who knows what they are good at, but also prefers others.

I read a great article lately about Narcissism and it was really interesting.

Let’s continue to have conversations that help us stay in the middle of the spectrum.

Not extreme narcissists, who are forever the victim, focussed on all the reasons why everyone needs to help them and be in their dramas. Nor extreme crippling self depreciators, who are obsessed with, how bad they are at everything.

Let us be a people of humility.

Creative Artists who know their strengths,

Creative Artists who know their weaknesses,

Those who find the balance between the two and create extravagantly from a place of servitude of others.




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A defining day; my creative gang

maxi gang

maxi gang one

maxi gang two


My little man Maximus has a little gang.

Sierra, Harrison, Chloe and Maximus.

They climb forts, they dine together on pikelets, carrot sticks and drumsticks, they discuss pertinent topics like helicopters, fire engines and Lightning Mc queen.

Together they are a force to be reckoned with, fighting the badies and finding new adventures to explore.

We all need a gang.

Who is in yours?

Creativity done in collaboration is one of the finest pursuits of life.

Today I walked a foyer full of homemade goods, that women had spent hours, painstakingly creating, hoping someone would catch their eye and buy their wares.

A room full of creative conspirators, wanting to inspire and make goods that can help their family thrive.

I was proud of my creative collaborators today.

They were amazing.

Today marks a very special day for me.

I officially sold my very last paper back copy of my first book Capture 30 days. It is still available in an updated e-book format, but the very last copy is a milestone that cannot go past without celebration.

I remember the very day that those 3,000 copies arrived on a very single, very green young woman’s doorstep. The courier didn’t understand my fear as he dropped them on my doorstep. I wasn’t excited, I sat on my porch with my creative co- conspirators and I flipped out.

What was I going to do with that many books?

I had made an expensive and big mistake.

I had no idea that the day would come, when I would sell my last copy and silently remember.

I remembered my fear, I remembered my excitement, I remembered the 15 year old that wrote a list and on top of that list;

To write and publish a book.

3,000 sales may not ever make the best sellers list but today I’m proud. In 3,000 homes, in bookcases, at the back of cupboards, on bedside tables, sit my thoughts on creativity and inspiration.

I just had a go.

What do you need to just have a go at doing?

Jump in.

Be bold.

Gather your gang.

You never know the day might come when you sell your last copy and that sense of satisfaction that you did what you set out to do, will arrive.

All my love






My creative capture gang: (who without them this project would have never happened.)

Steve and Elaine Fraser

Kym Basoka: Graphic designer and all round best friend.

Bonnie Machell: Photographer and dearest discusser of all things life.

Penny Webb: Head cheerleader

Sue Gifford: reformatted e-copy.

Sarah Churchill: editor extraordinaire!

Thanks for being my co-conspirators in creative crime.