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And just like that… six months has gone by.


Just a couple of days ago, I took this picture whilst walking early morning near my island home.

The bay was quiet, with a lone fisherman pulling in his sea loot and he waved a simple hello.

As I walked I was thinking about the same piece of beach, that if I walked it everyday it was just a little different. Somedays it was windy, other days flat, some mornings full of seaweed and others as clean as can be.

The same piece of beach a different canvas of changing shapes and colours daily.

It was this thought that made me think about my little family. It is exactly the same. Little changes, little moments, somedays moody, the others as calm as the bay as the sun rises.

This week my little Liberty turned 6 months old and I was reminded of my simple thought as I took her away from the hospital. Brain pictures. Little moments to celebrate the ordinary and to love the journey of progression even on the days that it just felt like ground hog day.

And here we are.

6 months later.

She now feeds less, sleeps a little more, eats a lot more and uses her voice with its extremes. Her personality shines through more and more each day and I no longer have a newborn.

Days I would have wished away, if I hadn’t taken time to notice the little things.

The look she gives me when she discovers my eyes across a room. The sounds she makes as she tires from learning all her new skills. The faint birth mark on her hip and stomach, that can only be seen when they are looked for carefully.

Moments of stretch.
Moments of bliss.
Moments I will never have again.

Are you in a season that you are struggling to find something that you are grateful for?

Keep looking for the moments. Because just as Summer is about to turn to Autumn in my little seaside shack, so your season will change and what you once despised may be the very thing you will be aching for once again.


Moments of quiet.
Moments of solitude.
Moments of beauty.

Deep breath here today as we keep moving into new days.

Six months.

Where did they go?


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What is keeping you contained?

free contained fear

free contained fearFreedom.

What does it really look like?

Is it a look, a colour, a tone of voice…

I don’t believe it is any of these things but for some maybe it is.

I think popular culture has given us an unattainable impression that freedom is confidence in every single step we take. A dance, a stance, an ability to bounce no matter the circumstance.

I am finding in my walk that freedom for me looks very different from day to day but mostly it is a peace that trusts the journey I am on and my knowledge of the One who is ultimately in charge.

Freedom somedays is sneaking away to the grocery shops without newborn and toddler in tow.

Freedom some other days is a peace that comes from a mind that is not worrying what others think of me.

Freedom some days is walking barefoot on the beach lost in meditative thought.

Freedom other days is singing loudly in my car whilst sitting in a traffic jam not caring if anyone notices.

Each of our places of freedom look completely different, because everyone one of our battles is completely different.

As unique as our eyes, fingerprints and personalities are, so are our places of wrestle; areas that keep us contained.

What comes easy to you may be the biggest battle of my life. What is a walk in the park for me may be your greatest fear.

The only thing that unites us in this plight for freedom, is that we all struggle with something. We are each contained by some burden, some season, some problem, some secret.

Every single one of us.

We all have areas of containment.

What stops you from living in a wide open space?

What stops you from feeling free?

Take time today to face that fear and take steps towards breaking the containment lines.

Talk to a friend
Book a counselling session
Ask for prayer
Call your mum
Take action

Freedom is awaiting your step of faith.



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Explore a little


You are an explorer.

We all are.

Whether you are quiet, shy, loud, bold or moody, we each have something innate inside of us that desires adventure.

Imagine if noticing the little, random things in our world became our job description.

Wake up.

Eat breakfast.

Go to work.


A heart expectant and open waiting to find something interesting, discovering our world like we have never seen it before.

I have at last decided on my #inspire15 thing that I am going to do creatively everyday.

I am going to explore, find and document that which is beautiful in my everyday.

A little something that I am grateful for. Hot water in the shower, a smile from a stranger, a beautiful shell on the beach.

Inconsequential things that will make me grateful for small mercies.

Last Sunday I had a huge scare with my eldest child. He bit his finger as he was eating his lunch and breathed deep in shock at how much it hurt. His lunch got stuck in his throat and he started choking.

He went blue and very quietly yelped in pain. I turned him upside down and banged him on his back and the food came out. One minute relaxing eating his lunch, the next minute blue and struggling to breathe.

Life is full of crazy moments of unexpected happenings. Some delightful and some terrifying. Lately I have been so affected by the hurt in the world and this random Sunday lunch with my little two year old, has resulted in me being so grateful for his little moments.

I’ve been watching him like an explorer. Not wanting to miss any moment.

So grateful, for just one more day to share with him and his perspective.

No matter how difficult your circumstance is today, there is always something to explore, an opportunity to be grateful for.

What is one small step you can take towards a better tomorrow that you can begin doing today?

It doesn’t matter that it’s the 16th day of 2015 already, it is never to late to make a decision to change your world.

Want to explore gratefulness with me this year? #inspire15

Adventure is awaiting discovery.


What can you do today to decide to live a more adventurous tomorrow?

Tell me and #inspire15


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Does it make you feel fabulous?


Whilst surfing the web last week I read a quote online and the only thing I remember from the piece of writing was this question…

‘Does it make you feel fabulous?’

This morning started out as a normal Wednesday. A bite of cereal, a strong flat white, off to the shops to get some groceries.

When I got home, that question ran through my mind again.

‘Does it make you feel fabulous?’

Then suddenly my whole wardrobe was on the floor after I had ripped box after box, pile after pile out of it’s dark cavity.

I looked at every piece of clothing and every pair of shoes and asked myself this question.

Does it make you feel fabulous?

I realised there were T-shirts that were old that had been relegated to the ‘exercise in these’ pile, I had trackies that had been placed in the ‘wear them to bed in winter pile’ and I had a little defining moment.

Why can’t I feel fabulous when I exercise?

Why can’t I feel fabulous as I climb into bed with my husband?

I had a ‘I would prefer to have a smaller wardrobe full of beautiful items, than an overflowing one with half hearted items that are there because of obligation’ aha moment.

Obligation because I got them on sale.

Obligation because a friend gave them to me.

Obligation because I once loved them, but they no longer make me smile.

What are you holding onto out of obligation?

One of the greatest ways we can feel lighter and more inspired is to simplify the spaces we reside in.

Every time I do it, I am amazed at how great I feel afterwards.

One of my friends uncle and aunt lost their whole house in a fire yesterday. As they walked around the charcoaled remains they realised that possessions really didn’t mean that much to them, when all of them kept their lives and health in tact.

Possessions don’t define us.

I think I sometimes think popular culture tells us, whoever dies with the most stuff wins! When we think about it logically we know this is not true.

Today those bathers that are chlorine stretched, those pants that are stained and those shoes that I love but are so uncomfortable are all now in wardrobe heaven.

And I feel fabulous because of it.

#inspire15 find ways this new year to clear space for new inspiration.


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Transitioning seasons of friendship

friend forrest

friend forrest

friend train forrest

Seasons come

Seasons go.

My Instagram feed at the moment is full of  beach shots, icecreams and fishing spots but tomorrow the sun will be setting earlier, the brown leaves will be crunching our pavement and autumn will sneak across our small screens.

Before we even notice the season shifts but we are still acting as if it is still in full bloom. It’s awkward when people wear bikinis in the midst of winter but in summer no one even bats an eyelid.

Why don’t we have this same seasonal intelligence when it comes to friendship?

In 2014 one of my goals was to make some local friends. I have lots of close friends but in my local area I wanted some peeps who were close by, in my today.

A lot of my favourite friends are absent ones. They live over East, in New Zealand, in Perth, hours away from where I live. In my first year of novice motherhood I struggled to let go of the season that had past. Friends come and friends go, new people enter your days for particular seasons and some stay for years.

Releasing people to choose whether they are a part of your life for seasons or years is one of the greatest lessons I am learning. I believe the whole concept of a best friend for life is a Hollywood high school cultural false reality.

Do I believe in close friendships? of course.

Do I believe you can have besties for life? sometimes, but it takes a big and secure heart, to release people into new seasons and to love them just the same.

I have found some of my greatest friendships are the ones that I havn’t seen for a long time and we both act as though we have never been apart.

There is a freedom, there is an understanding, there is a deep comittment to the person and their now but a realisation that the season for being in each other’s pockets has changed.

A peace per say.

An ease.

A release into the movement and shift of life’s ebbs and flows.

When a season transitions and major life change occurs we need to take a deep breath and allow the sand to settle. The person I am today is so different to the one I was four short years ago.

I used to spend every waking moment in an office, I drove a large distance to my work place. I didn’t have children, I was available. My friendships then were very different to those who are in my everyday world today.

It doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate and love those who were in my everyday then, today it is just different. Nostalgia tells us that we need to place ourselves emotionally in it’s kingdom but moving forward and opening ourselves to change is the greatest gift we can give ourselves.

I have many precious friendships from seasons that have past, but if they are unable to be a part of my today in a mutually beneficial way it doesn’t change my love of them. I just let them go and some come back and others don’t. It doesn’t change the amazing experiences and memories we have had. It is just different.

Friends come,

friends go.

Seasons come,

seasons go.

Life moves, shifts and grows.

Are you willing to empower people to live gracefully in their new season?

Are you willing to hold friends loosely and if they move into new spaces be happy for them and love them just the same?

Are you willing to acknowledge your new season and make new friends accordingly?

These are some of my random musings this new year, not directed at any friendships in my current season but something I am learning across my days.

I want to love the ones I am with but also release people with freedom into their future.

What does your season look like today?

Do your friendships match it?
