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courage to let go of certainty


Today marks the end of a journey of trust for my family. One that has been a private one, a stressful one, a stretching one and more.

For the past 5 weeks we have been waiting on news from an investigation that has been privately so stressful.

This morning I broke. I had had enough. I didn’t want to be in this place of tension anymore, I didn’t want to wait on someone else’s findings to determine the next few years of my families life.

Being 20 weeks pregnant, with a two year old, I found this situation so difficult.

I haven’t been able to speak about it here, which in itself has been difficult, as this blog is my therapy and my friend. Much of my musings in this space are about me finding wisdom in the midst of my days. I am not preaching at others here, I am often preaching at myself and anyone else who is changed or challenged is a total bonus.

The hardest part of this journey has been

1) We were not at fault

2) We cant influence or determine the outcome

It has been a journey of trust.

Trust that God knows our hearts and also he is the one who determines our steps.

Every door that opens is of his instigation and every one that closes is of his purpose.

Yes I can open doors and yes I can shut them closed, but living a life of faith is sitting in a place of uncertainty well and living beyond the questions.

A scripture that has resounded today;

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Matthew

This dance of trust is the same for our pursuits creatively.

We need to exist in a place of uncertainty, that is why faith is so important to me in my daily walk.

Without faith, I am not sure I would be able to exist in the in-between.

Are you in an in-between place right now?

Courage says to let go and allow a beautiful path of hiddenness and pain to unfold.

The crazy part of this unfolding is that you can never reach the paths of truth you were destined for, without a massive amount of trust and uncertainty.

If you feel out of your depth and are reaching for new horizons, uncertainty is a good sign of progress.

Tomorrow our news is due to unfold.

Firstly at 8.30am we find out if we are having a baby boy or girl and secondly later in the day the meeting we have been waiting for 5 weeks for to unveil our next steps.

Prayers would be appreciated


(ps we are so peaceful in this place of stretch, mostly smile)


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it has begun

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 8.13.08 pm

Some days you just need to get on with it and say yes.

I begun writing and kinda having a go at the first draft of the design elements for Yestember. I got some feedback from my husband on the byline ‘a 30 day guided journal for singles’ and he told me he hated it.

Back to the drawing board.

That nearly put me off writing for the whole day.

Derailed on the first go.

I laughed, sent a text to a girlfriend and got back on the horse.

I ended the day so excited because I had begun something I have been thinking about for months, I put it out here in cyberspace, (which brings an accountability) and then 10 people wrote letters to compliment and inspire me towards this journey.

I need 20 more people to write me a letter: here are the details (click this photo link)

dear single self


As I continue on my March Inspired Journey. It’s not too late… to join the fun.

See you tomorrow.

Comment below and tell me how your first day went.



If you would like to write a letter to yourself now and submit, you can do so here…


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My beloved

my beloved 2

Amanda and Charl my beloved

Leading up to our wedding, the 30 days prior to us saying I do, I posted a little status update on my Facebook page everyday.

I randomly came across these notes in my phone today.

Maybe your 30 day inspiration challenge for March Inspired needs to be to find something to encourage and love about your partner.

Charl and I celebrate 3 years of marriage really soon, with a 2 year old and a soon to be newbie Viviers it is easy to forget the little things that made you fall in love.

Do you need to write a 30 day list about your loved one?

A simple note of gratitude in a journal each day of March of why you fell in love with them?

Day 30- he is kind
Day 29- he’s got book case making skills
Day 28- he likes hanging with my family
Day 27- he speaks with randoms on the train
Day 26- he notices the poor and lonely
Day 25- he opens the door when I walk in a room
Day 24- he likes coconut chocolate
Day 23- he holds his mums arm whilst walking down the street
Day 22- he listens to my Granma’s tell stories
Day 21- he reads his bible
Day 20- he respects me and my values
Day 19- he wears his hat backwards somedays
Day 18- he lights up when his dad calls from overseas
Day 17- he writes his Oma letters
Day 16- he encourages me
Day 15- he looses things all the time
Day 14- he sits in cafes reading with me, even when he’s bored
Day 13- he washes the dishes at our friends house
Day 12- he calls his mates and asks how they are going
Day 11- he makes me feel like I’m the only girl in the room
Day 10- he was worth every minute of the wait
Day 9- he chats about the little things
Day 8- he tells me to move on
Day 7- he inspires me to live bigger
Day 6- he reminds me of my dreams and believes I can actually get there
Day 5- he asks my opinion
Day 4- he trusts my heart
Day 3- he made me believe in love again
Day 2- he waited patiently for me to be his wife
Day 1- he is today my husband, my friend, my lover & my match. Good things come to those who wait…today I become Amanda Viviers

Love notes to your beloved, could completely change your year, it could completely change your relationship, as you start to see through eyes of gratitude, than ones of expectation.

My beloved.




The beach photos above are by our amazing friend and photographer: Steve Fraser

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I was listening to this song yesterday and it inspired me.

‘Holes’ by Passenger

The Chorus really touched me:

Where we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Where we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on
Said we’ve got holes in our hearts, yeah we’ve got holes in our lives
Where we’ve got holes, we’ve got holes but we carry on

I think we can easily explain our lack of motivation for change with the holes in our lives.

You know those areas, that we believe can never change. Those dark places, that we don’t show many people.

Rather than living a life despite those places of weakness. Taking little step by little step and allowing those closest to us to see our holey places, that they would turn to holy ones.

What are the holes, the stories, the places of lack that are stopping you from living inspired?

Turn those broken places into places of strength and inspiration.

Join me on my journey towards inspiration in March. Decide to do something for the month of March.

Yeah we have holes, but we carry on…

Speak tomorrow



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One of the greatest lessons in life and all things creative, is developing patience to wait for that which we are longing for.

Waiting is one of the hardest parts of our everyday human life.

Waiting for those dreams to arise, waiting for that partner to do life with, waiting for that perfect moment to capture the beauty that escapes as quickly as it arrives.


What are you waiting for?

Do you feel frustrated in the wait?

Are you allowing it to stretch and grow you?

I know these questions are so frustrating but when you find the answer to them, maybe part of the angst will subside or not.

Waiting is painful, it promotes growth and stretches our capacity to places that we never knew were possible.

I know the things that I have waited the longest for are the sweetest of victory and the greatest of pursuits.

It is worth waiting for that which is best.

The wait is worth it.

Whoever, you are who is questioning the wait, take it from me, it is worth it in the end.

I promise.



