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2014: inspired


I have been thinking about 2014 already.

I know, don’t be annoyed with me, but I wanted to start something that others could join in with me and unless we prepare it won’t happen. Christmas kinda drains us of all our motivation and then we often limp into a new year. I think the best resolutions are those that are planned.

The banner I am declaring over 2014 next year is this;

2014: inspired

The dictionary describes the word inspired in the following way…

  1. of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.
  2. (of air or another substance) that is breathed in.

These two definitions really impacted me, considering my writings of late. Creative impulse, breathing in, extraordinary quality. All of these words have begun to speak to me about the potential of a new year.

Honestly the last few years have been terribly crazy.

I am ready for an inspired year.

Another dictionary described the word inspired;  ‘imbued with the spirit to do something, by or as if by supernatural or divine influence.’

As I have been thinking and praying about this project the reason why I believe I need to get it out there now, is I think it is going to be an amazing time of freedom and inspiration for the people that take part in it.


Here is what I am going to do…

I am committing to drawing, finding, writing, describing, looking for and visually representing something I have been inspired by everyday.

I have bought the Kikki K Journal 365 above to do it with and then I will take a photo and post it on Instagram and on here each day.

My goal is to capture the inspiration that is awaiting discovery.


I know there will be hard times, I know somedays it will be difficult with a 2 year old, but I am committing to it.

I want to ask you now, what will you commit to with me?

I will help you with accountability.

Think about it.

Is it write on your blog everyday?

Is it to take a photo everyday and post to Instagram?

Is it to exercise everyday and document it someway?

or do you want to join me by buying a 365 journal and write, drawing, scrapbook, visual journey our way through 2014.

I am asking you to commit by hash-tagging this #inspire14

I am believing that 2014 will be a completely different year for you.

One of inspiration and capturing moments, that fleetingly pass us by.

There is so much on the internet and in our homes that is discouraging, why don’t you email me and commit to something positive together.


Another way to start the year well, is to use my book Capture 30 days of inspiration to begin your year creatively. It is a 30 day inspiration guide, to living a more creative life.

“I ask not for any crown
But that which all may win;
Nor try to conquer any world
Except the one within.”

Louisa May Alcock

Let’s conquer something together.



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Christmas Chocolate Bombe

christmas bombe

Photo and Part recipe from Jamie Oliver

Every Christmas I have made this Chocolate Christmas Bombe.

It is so good and so much fun to make.

1 litre good-quality vanilla ice cream

1 kg panettone

3 heaped tablespoons raspberry jam

25 g shelled pistachios

75 g tinned sour cherries, drained

40 g glacé glacé fruit, thinly sliced

200 g good-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids), bashed up or white chocolate (I prefer white)

Get your ice cream out of the freezer so it can soften a little while you get things ready. Line a 2 litre pudding bowl with 3 layers of cling wrap. Use a serrated knife to slice four 2cm thick rounds off of your panettone then cut them in half. You’ll have some panettone left over, so keep this for another time. Arrange six of the slices in a single layer around the bowl and push them down if they overlap. Drizzle some Rum around the sponge so it soaks in (if you want it to have a alcoholic touch, I don’t because of the kids), then use the back of a spoon to smear the jam over the sponge.

Add half of the ice cream to the bowl and use the spoon to spread it around in a thick layer. Sprinkle in the pistachios, cherries and glacé fruit. Add the rest of the ice cream. Spread it out, working quickly so the ice cream doesn’t completely melt. Put the rest of the panettone slices on top of the ice cream, then cover the bowl tightly with cling film. Press a plate down on top to press everything down, then freeze overnight, or longer.

When you’re ready to serve it, put the bashed-up chocolate in a bowl and get that over a pan of simmering water on a really low heat. Leave the chocolate to melt while you unwrap your amazing winter bombe and carefully turn it onto a beautiful serving dish. Add a few gratings of orange zest to the chocolate and when it’s nicely melted, pour it over the top so it oozes down the sides and looks delicious. Decorate with christmassy love. I put a jaffa lolly and two mint leaves on top.

For the more visual amongst you…


Many more of my favourite christmas recipes can be found in my Christmas E-book Capture: 30 merry days

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Clean Caramel Popcorn


Every Christmas I love to make homemade gifts but every year it is getting a little tougher to bake for people with their food allergies.

I have one particular dear friend, who is obsessed with mince pies who is gluten, sugar and wheat free this Christmas.

It takes the fun out of the Christmas naughtiness.

So I went experimenting and exploring and found a recipe just for her. (And your friend who has the same problems)

Clean Caramel Popcorn

No sugar
No wheat
No gluten

The recipe is in my latest ebook called ‘Capture: 30 merry days’ a creative guide to Christmas kindness.

Buy from here today.

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The warmth of lifelong friends


I got a text really early yesterday morning from a dear friend of mine in LA, she said ‘Today you need to go rent a funny movie or hang out with funny people’. It was a little prophetic statement of a day that had been planned weeks before. Yesterday the warmth of forever friendship and a day trip to a little piece of yesteryear was the water my soul desperately craved.

Sometimes all we need is a little warmth.

Sometimes we just need to hang around with some friends that we don’t have to look after or please.

I laugh when I read people’s facebook status’ over sharing sometimes and I quietly whisper to myself, seriously phone a friend.

Whether you are a married or single, there are days that the effort required to plan a day away with your friends is worth every moment of its planning.

To leave town, turn up your favourite music, to drive through any countryside, to laugh, sing, to have coffee and look at buildings you would never notice on your own or to just wander.

Yesterday that is what we did. We wandered, talked, breathed a little slower, took time to just unpack the tangles of our hearts and believe in the potential of a new day together.

That is what our network Kinwomen is all about.

Women supporting women, friends helping each other.


I didn’t speak at all yesterday about the heart breaking places in my life at the moment, I didn’t have to, my friends didn’t pry or prod. I hardly talked about the book I released this week and how exciting this new chapter is my new season of motherhood.

We just laughed, listened and just took time to just be.

Who can you just be with?

You know a friend that you are able to wander down the beach with, that person who doesn’t make the conversation completely about their confused patches, but asks about yours also?

That friend who is totally fine with silence, but has the capacity to say the hard things also.

Are you the type of friend that you would want to hang with?

I bought the drawing above in Thailand when I was there recently with one of these kind of friends. She offered to buy them for me when they caught my eye. That day I bought a set of three, two of them are now in New Zealand with my closest girlfriends sitting in their special places encouraging them.

My little drawing sits above my computer and every time I see it, it reminds me to pray for one of my lifelong friends.

Little momento’s of memories and opportunities captured.

There is a warmth in friendship.

There is a moment to be captured that will never exist again.

The photo of the window below was taken in a house that we had a cup of tea with the most amazing couple yesterday. They bought the Old York Hospital ten years ago and have spend the last decade renovating it to its former glory. They invited us to just come and explore their heritage.

This window is an antique in their staircase. A hand designed window that was made in the late 1800’s.

The lovely owner of the house it presides in now, was overwhelmed that they were able to look out at this window often and he said ‘the only reason we still have this is because it is too high in the house to be stolen’

This piece of history that we wandered through was a moment that will never be experienced again. It was a special place of privilege that we were invited to enjoy. At some moments in the last week, I seriously  considered cancelling my attendance because it had just been such a huge week. The memory of this tour would never have happened if we didn’t just take the time to explore.

Take time to bask in the warmth of lifelong friends sometime soon and if you don’t have anyone that you feel this comfortable with, then take time to be the kind of friend that you desire.

Till we meet again.



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Crazy beautiful; life can be both…


Life is often crazy beautiful. It can be wonderful at the same time as devastating.

Our disney-ified expectations and dreamy hazed projections, make us believe that living the life that we want and hope for, is a life that is free from struggle.

We think we want a stress free, oasis kind of nirvana, but I don’t think that place exists on this earth.

Yesterday I launched this book and I sold many copies and was so excited. At the same time, the diagnosis of one of my best friends came through with devastating reality.

My Grandmother turned 90 yesterday and as her  family gathered around the table, there was a plethora of dysfunction, mixed in with a crazy amounts of pure joy.

People were frustrated with each other, family members who hadn’t sat at the same table for 20 years, rehashed old painful scenarios, yet as my Grandma spoke quietly about the milestone, she cried softly for the beauty, for the regrets, for the unresolved conflict, for the sheer miracle of lasting that long.

Ninety years on this earth, hasn’t provided her with a peaceful place of bliss, it has given her a quiet disposition of satisfaction for the simple things.

The sparkle in her great grandchild’s eyes, the taste of her favourite Tiramisu cake, the feeling of friends gathering who have known her for 50 years or more and at the same time the loss of those who didn’t make it through.

The heartache of children who were so grateful for her ninety years, but heartbroken at the water under bridges that can never be caught again.

In the midst of this family celebration I sat there quietened because one of my closest friends is facing a battle in her 30’s that is very unfair.

She is bravely facing the fight but the juxtaposition of crazy beautiful is as tangible as a windy, rocky beach in the midst of summer. I walk the beach expecting it to be calm because of its smell, its taste and its beauty, yet the wind blows, the spray from the oceans bites. A perfect contrast of beauty and beastliness. The raw reality of life in its fullness.

Life will never ever be perfect.

Your days will never ever be perfect.

Circumstances will never ever be perfect.

Your dreams will never looked the way you imagined.

Our world is full of light and darkness and sometimes the hue of its inconsistency results in grey.

Sometimes that grey is sharp and moody and fabulous, other days the grey just takes over and finding your way out of it’s gloom is difficult.

The only revelation I found from yesterdays sharp inconcistencies was to love and grasp the moments of beauty when they present themselves.

Let go of your pain.

Let go of your fears.

Let go of those family disappointments, do you realise that everyone is just as broken as you are?

You don’t get to live 90 years on this planet and not walk away with some regret, some secrets, some bad decisions and some terrible seasons.

Love the crazy beautiful and let go of that image of perfection and nirvana that haunts.




(a very fragile, but very happy, but vulnerable me.)
