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rising of the sun

Lately I have been aware more than ever of the power of time.

Time that has gone past.

Time that goes quickly.

Time that I give to others.

Time that I give to family.

Today, ANZAC day we celebrate times that have gone before.

People who gave of their time so that we can live in freedom today.

It makes me also think of people who have given up their time, for me in the past, so that I can live the life that I do.

My Mum and all her sacrifices so that we could live the lives as children that we did.

My Father who worked so hard and gave his time to set our family up to live where we do today.

My friends who built the church that I love and resourced it so well that future generations can enjoy the fruit of their labour.

People who gave.

Mostly their time.

As a Mum of young children, somedays I wonder where my time has gone.

There are some days that I wish I could rearrange my time differently, that I could coffee with friends I haven’t seen in months, that I could say yes to that travel opportunity and much more.

Somedays I wonder whether my time is worth the question that I have answered 25 times already, the blocks I have only picked up 10 minutes ago, the exhaustion from pregnancy and toddlerhood.


In this season I may not be off saving the world or making a difference in thousands of lives but I am allocating most of my time to my family and sacrificing that which I want to do, with that which is important.

On days like this we celebrate those who have fallen, the silent ones we will never thank.

I also celebrate the mothers, grandmothers and wives who stayed home and raised a generation without their fathers, sons and siblings.

Those who gave their time to their children and families.

The silent ones, the forgotten ones also.

If you are a forgotten one today and you are on the verge of giving up, because the sacrifice is just too hard.

I salute you.

I acknowledge your sacrifice.

I acknowledge the time you are giving to your loved ones.

In the rising of the sun.

Lest we forget.


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In love with my city

fall in love with your city

In love with my city.

In love with my man.

Today is my wedding anniversary, each year we normally stay at a hotel but this year as I am in my third trimester of my second little baby, so we decided a day date was in order.

We are spending the day exploring our city and loving time spent as a little family together.

Travel is not easy at the moment, with this season but it doesn’t mean we can’t make days special.

We made a decision when we were first married, that we weren’t going to buy extravagant presents every anniversary because we wanted to make a tradition that was meaningful to both of us.

So every year we buy each other a book. Something to inspire each other to be ever learning.

This year I requested a magazine subscription, but I got a beautiful book Kinfolk Table as well. Time to lie and read full sentences is not easy these days, but a flick of a magazine makes me feel all inspired and loved.

The gift that keeps on giving.

Charl Viviers, you make me smile often. You make me think larger all the time and you astound me at the way you love and provide for our little team v.

Thanks for choosing me.

Happy days,





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circus 2


My little man, Maximus went to the circus for the first time today.

The delight in his eyes as he watched the trapeze artists, he snacked on his Easter chocolate bounty and was enthralled by the animals will not easily be forgotten.

There is something so pure about delight.

There is something so simple about experiencing something for the first time.

Although he is only two, he shows me so much about creativity and life.

He delights abundantly in things.








and more.

What delights you?

When was the last time you felt delight?

Signing off happy this evening.



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free e-book today!


In the spirit of today’s post Light a Candle, I am making the e-version of ‘Capture: 30 days of inspiration‘ free for the next 24 hours.

If you know anyone who you think would like to read this 30 day inspiration guide on their Ipad or e-reader, then like the facebook button above and invite them to download the e-book today for free.

Its really simple, go to the link which is my shop. Fill in the details and purchase the book for free. Then you will get an email from me and there is a download link.

For the ipad/ iphone: open the PDF in Ibooks and you will be able to read like a normal e-book.

For the computer: open up as a PDF and read in any e-reading device.

Have a creative day.

Hope you are inspired.





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Light a candle


(Image via Pinterest)

One of my all time favourite quotes is this…

‘You never lose your flame by lighting another candle.’

Creative online culture completely baffles me sometimes.

I am learning how important it is to credit people correctly but I want to be in this world and not of it.

Success, fame, popularity are not my obsession.

My one desire for this creative space is to inspire others.

To light flames that may never have been set on fire without my little inspiration thought.

Late last night I posted some simple thoughts and around the world I had people writing to me about how they struggle with unforgiveness.

This is my dream. An open space of conversation, that heals and brings new creative inspiration to our world.

Anyone can take anything from this blog and I don’t care whether they credit me or not.

Once you put something on the internet people do repost it, people forward it, people make it their own.

I love that!

If I light another candle, then my work is done.

Create dear friends.

Find your unique within my thoughts and reproduce.

Creativity that is a free flowing stream is the best kind.


Inspiration is just not inspired.

Honestly no idea is ever original anyway.

We all hunt and gather constantly and reproduce what we have catalogued.

When you hold onto your creativity tightly worried someone is going to rob you of your copyright, you are the one who is enclosed in your creative fortress.

I believe in unique inspiration.

I believe in honestly crediting those who inspire you.

But for me and my house we are giving everything, our life, our ideas, our home, our money, our inspiration, our creativity away…with no expectation of recompense.

It’s a lifestyle.

Speak tomorrow

Ps- I love candles. So much.
