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from little things big things grow

The Grounds of Alexandria, Sydney

Lately I have had a little chorus growing in my heart.

“From little things, big things grow. From little things, big things grow.”

I have always known that this is a simple but profound principle, but when something comes alive to me I cannot stop singing it in my head.

The little thing you are doing on the side, your hobby, your passion, your idea, it has the potential to grow.

That lesson you are learning, that seems so laborious, is stretching and growing your capacity for the new.

Often our in-between seasons look a lot like the little.

We say goodbye to something that was, and we struggle to let go of the pull that draws us into its perceived beauty.

Last night I sat on the beach and watched the most amazing sunset, like a once in a year offering. On the beach beside me was an older lady, who looked like the beach was her only friend. We stood spellbound by the colours that flashed across the sky, in a moment that seemed too sacred to even speak.

So we didn’t.

We stood metres away from each other and awkwardly tried not to interrupt the quiet of the moment absorbed in the beauty of nature. A few photos later and I went up on the wooden stairs and sat for a long time just watching.

I watched the weight of years hang heavily on my beach combing companion. Her shoulders hunched hard and she walked slowly away from the point of the Bay. As she walked down in front of me, slowly, gingerly, I could tell she just didn’t want to go home. Every couple of feet, she turned back to look longingly at the sunset, checking its inspiration once again.

She walked painstakingly slow down the beach towards her car and the further away she got, the more she turned to see what she was missing out on.

Many, many turns later, she was mostly out of my sight and I saw her turn back just one more time.

A tear dripped slowly down my cheek as I watched someone live out literally how we often live our days.

Nostalgia is a liar, we turn and look back at the things we have done in previous seasons, looking longingly at what we have left behind.

No matter how far we have walked, we turn back, we can’t help ourselves with questions like;

If only? What if? How come? How could they? Why did it?

Then we step into transition seasons of the in-between and we struggle desperately to recalibrate because we are changing.

I think we are afraid of in-between seasons because there is something in our hearts that cries you were made for so much more than this. Then we look back and remember moments with the leanse of perspective and believe that it was just so much better than it actually was. Distance changes the colours and it looks so brilliant. As we walk towards the unknown, we can’t help but look back.

The unknown carries with it, seasons and times of starting again.

The in-between brings with it, pioneering times.

The transition between seasons asks that we begin again.

No matter how seasoned we are at transitioning there is something so awkward about starting at the foundations again.

This week though my friend this song has been haunting me…

Plant those seeds,

Dream those dreams,

Pioneer again,

Start that business,

Make that phone call,

Speak to that coach,

Ask someone for help,

I truly do believe that the best is yet to come.

I read this quote yesterday and it resounded with my season so much;

As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

Amy Poehler

You never know as you discover the new in your season, what life change is about to occur.

Yes that sunset looks absolutely breathtaking, but walk boldly into your new.

You just never know what may grow.

That little something, may just be what you specifically have been created for.





I have been pretty blown away by the response of the Gather + Grow Sessions, they are selling out fast. Have a look at the link and come gather if you are local. I’d love to meet and collaborate with you.

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gather with those who care…


The world can be a cold and unforgiving place.

Agenda’s thrive, people disappoint, we feel misunderstood, speak a different language and seek to be heard.

If I just post one more post, share one more thought, filter one more image, then maybe someone, anyone might notice.

Last night I gathered with a group of women.

Creative souls who have a penchant to wander.

Women in midst of transitions.

Frustrated, emancipated, unsure, belittled, hopeful, idealistic, creative souls.

Girls who have not given up hope, but the thread is unravelling.

The lonely who need to know there is someone who will listen.

An environment that is not based on competence, but founded in inspiration.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

Brené Brown

Who doesn’t want to live an inspired life?

I know I do, but inspiration leaks.

I start off so focused, then the berry stains on my new cushion trip me up and I give up on the possibility that I will ever do anything of substance again.

We all need our tribe.

We all need people in our lives that we can be completely honest with face to face.

Not through a screen, not through a speaker phone, we need to sit in complete honesty in front of someone who cares.

The kinaesthetic lover inside our souls needs to be touched.

The inspiration factory is awaiting more fuel to tick over once again.

We need each other.

Even if we are afraid to admit it.

I felt a reassurance that the purpose of last night was far beyond the gathering that was present.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

Isaiah 43: 19

Later this year we are running a retreat for creative women looking for an authentic community that will support, collaborate, love and live honestly.

Bloggers, photographers, entrepreneurs, singers, speakers, radio hosts, journalists, painters, writers and list goes on and on.

Last night we gathered to meet and greet, so that the first night of the retreat, is not full of comparison and competition.

It was sublime.

I could hardly sleep when I snuck into the shack after midnight.

Food, creativity, spoken word, honesty, original songs.

The heartfelt conversations whispered to me “welcome home.”

To gather is at the very foundation of our hope for belonging.

Step away from the computer in your in-between and find someone who cares.


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finding your song

inspiration creativity and christian

“A poem begins with a lump in the throat; a homesickness or a love sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfilment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”

Robert Frost

Imagine if your life was a poem for one moment.

What words would flood its structure?

What themes parade its page?

In the in-between seasons we can lose our voice because of the ambiguity of the journey. We can feel unsure, we question, we over think and we doubt.

What if we unearth a voice in this ‘season of change’ that we never knew existed?

What if there was a song in your heart, that is desperate to be released and it just needed the space of your season to rise to your throat?

I love Robert’s strength in his thoughts above.

I remember someone amazing saying to me once, “whatever makes you angry Amanda, that is the thing you are called to change”.

What causes your emotion to rise,

A lump in your throat, causing words to spill into your subconscious,

What makes you mad?

Take time today to express that emotion. Draw, write, dream or speak up.

This could be your poem,

This could be your symphony,

It could be your legacy,

your thesis,

your gift to the world.

I am not afraid of my emotions any more, I know they have been gifted to help me communicate that which burdens my soul, but I have learnt to be the master of them.

I have learnt that the way I feel does not determine the theme of my day, it is just a vehicle to express my thoughts and voice, my emotions have become my muse.

Your new could be one expression away.

A release of what is deep within your soul, that you have been do scared to admit to anyone, someone, anything.

Say that dream you have been scared to express before.

Speak out that potential that is deep within your heart.

Let go of the “what if I fail?” and step into the “what was I designed to bring?”

You were created with purpose.

There is a song that only you can sing.

Bring it forth my wandering friend.

Let the poem rise from the depth of your heart.

Start with a whisper and let it develop into a roar.

The in-between is giving you space to find it.

Look for the lump in your throat.

The homesickness calling you home in your heart.

The love that compels you to action.

Your purpose is palpable in this place of expression.



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finding my humble in the in-between


Today the thought of changing another nappy does my head in. Other days I don’t think, I just do but today, I can’t even. There is something about the in-between that teaches every person who acknowledges their place there, a lesson in humility.

Humility, what a funny word, with so many perceived meanings.

Popular culture seems to perpetuate the lie that it is about making ourselves less, so another can shine.

The church makes it out as if we tell everyone how bad we are, then we can step back and let Jesus shine.

Families may tell us, it is about keeping our opinions to ourselves.

I have found however that humility is not about telling everyone how bad we are, but in actuality talking about ourselves less.

Thinking about ourselves less.

Seeing the world through another perspective.

We can live a very quiet life, but a proud one.

Or we can live a very loud one, that is extremely humble.

Social media perpetuates the myth that we can do, be, promote, design, lie our way out of every situation and make everything filtered again.

No matter how much we filter, no matter how often we edit, at the end of the day, we still go to bed with our own conversations rattling around our heads and see the world through our own experience and pain.

As much as the world of nappies and midday sleeps is challenging my patience today, I am so glad that I have the opportunity to take stock in my in-between.

As I hung out the washing on the line today, I breathed deep and smelled the ocean, so glad that I had the opportunity to stand outside in my jeans and bare feet, rather than sitting in an office in my high heels and suit.

My place of humility is changing me.

My season of hidden-ness is opening my eyes to the story of another.

My days of novice motherhood are creating a well worn track of prayer to my Father, teaching me his will above my own.

No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are. We are all equal. We came here by birth and we will leave by death. The in-between gives us a little breather to find truly what we are living for.

The possibility to choose beyond self in the in-between, even when we are grasping to find our own identity is the most defining of days.

I am learning to think of myself less and look out for another in my in-between.

I am starting to listen more to someone else, than to sprout my own ideas and opinions.

I am responding quicker out of obedience to My Picnic King when he asks me to run away and pray.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

Philippians 2: 3

This is not the way of this world. This stands against everything that social media promotes. This my friend is a worthy pursuit in our season of waiting.

When we realise our worth with confidence, yet love everyone without any judgement or prejudice we step a little closer to living a life of brilliance.

Humility is not when we step back and hide in a conversation telling everyone how bland we are, it is knowing our worth and the equality we hold with every person present, but not needing to put our hand up and fight.

When we embrace the in-between with two hands and kiss its potential, we walk towards the defining moment where we understand that our worth is not based in what we do, but in whom we serve.

We begin to dream again knowing that a full calendar does not equal a successful life and a quiet disposition can be the most fulfilling of pursuits.

We live days of hidden-ness, discovering the depth of who we truly are without anyone giving us accolades, encouragement or high fives.

Big does not always mean better.

Busy does not always mean happy.

Money does not always equate satisfaction.

A little beach shack, a little coffee, a deep breath of sea air, a cup of tea with a friend, lots of prayer and time to think. These are becoming my favourite pursuits of a quiet life.

My ambition is slowing and my heart is breathing deeply again.

Humility is teaching me some fine lessons in this place of quiet.

A call to surrender my will and seek His will a little more.


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Finding Shelter in the midst of the storm

Fremantle, inspiration

Fremantle, inspiration

Many people don’t understand the place of transition, because they struggle to give priority to placement in their season. Some people live in their tomorrow, hoping, dreaming, vision casting and wishing away their today. Most people live in their yesterday reframing their every detail by what has gone before. There are a small group of wandering souls, that live in their today, who are learning from their yesterday and are hopeful for their tomorrow.

Storms come and storms go, times when we feel like every little piece of the universe is throwing its absolute best to derail us.

I find transition seasons bring unforeseen storms that try to unsettle us.

Are you in a storm?

I see you.

Lately, I have been spellbound as I have been reading Padraig O Tuama’s book In the Shelter, finding a place in the world. He is a poet, that is seeking a new way to find his shelter in the world. His words are full of beauty, life and hope. He takes his readers on a journey of discovery acknowledging every place that we find ourselves captive in.

A place of disapointment,

A place of deferred hope,

He speaks to the forgotten, the displaced, the wanderers and the dreamers.

He says hello to each and every one of us, giving place and priority to the seasons we find ourselves in.

He quotes David Wagoner;

“Stand Still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you.

Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here.

And you must treat it as a powerful stranger.”

Padrig goes onto to say;

“The truth of this poem is an old truth. There are places you wish to go, there are places you desperately wish you never left, there are places you imagine you should be, and there is a place called here.”

We need to stand still in our here and acknowledge it’s emotion. Shame often stops us from really admitting to ourselves what is happening in our today. Unless we name it, unless we confront it, unless we say hello to the truth of our place, we struggle to find a safe shelter that protects us from being washed away in it’s storm.

Are you running away from your today?

Are you seeking direction for your tomorrow?

Are you desperately trying to recover your dignity from your yesterday?

I say hello to you, in the place you find yourself in and am praying that you find shelter in the midst of your storm.

The only way I have found any sense of peace in my place of transition, is awaiting on direction and hope from One who protects, guides and brings his acknowledgement of my storm.

Psalm 91: 1-2 has become one of my resting places;

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!”

He is our refuge,

He is our shelter,

His shadow casts a rim of protection that guides and leads me in the midst of my personal storms.

He is not only a shelter, he is a fortress that builds up and around me as I seek placement in times of uncertainty.

The reason I can say this, is because the more I learn, the more I experience, the more I delve deeper into relationship with Him, the more He proves faithful.

Every step along the way.

Every moment that I am unsure.

Every time I get it a little wrong.

Every time I get it a lot wrong.

He is constant. He is steady. He is waiting to guide me back to a place that brings hope, even when I feel hopeless.

No matter where you are today, I believe you are seen and known.

That storm will not take you out.

Dig deep my friend.
