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Taking Stock


Making: Crocheted Baskets.

Cooking: Apricot and Coconut Bites.

Drinking: Chai Tea.

Reading: Start something that matters, Blake Mycoskie.

Wanting: A vintage Cot on wheels.

Looking: at Pinterest.

Playing: With big old buttons.

Wasting: time procrastinating instead of writing my next book.

Sewing: not much, I need to get my machine out.

Wishing: My friends in New Zealand were closer.

Enjoying: Thinking about my little girl, who is growing inside me.

Waiting: For some news about a project I have been working on.

Liking: Simple things and a decluttered space.

Wondering: Why christians act so unchristian sometimes.


Loving: My husband and his patience.

Hoping: For my sister.

Marvelling: At the faithfulness of God, being pregnant again.

Needing: To find a storage solution for a new little person in a very small seaside shack.

Smelling: Frangipani Candle.

Wearing: A top from Sevenly

Following: Em from Teacupstoo

Noticing: New sprigs on my lime tree.

Knowing: That life is way too short.

Thinking: About ways to live more inspired.

Feeling: Exhausted and satisfied all at the same time.

Bookmarking: Picmonkey

Opening: Snail mail is one of my favourites

Giggling: At my two year olds latest finds.

I found this idea first from Em here and it was originally from here.

I am thinking I might do this once a month…

I love reminding myself of the beauty of the everyday of my world.


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On the weekend my nesting went to a whole new level.

8 Garbage bags later, coupled with 5 bags of baby clothes, my little shack was revolutionised.

My sore back, my exhausted spirit (the nostalgic part of me that believes I can repurpose EVERYTHING), made me feel very satisfied indeed.

I have come into this week feeling so much more inspired than I have for a while.

Weird experiences resolved, new seasons unfolded and projects launched.

It is like my creative-o-meter has kicked into another gear.

And I am so excited about here.

As I was lurking around pinterest I found this tutorial

I have some wool that would work beautifully and I know exactly where it is after the declutter- a- thin.

Are you feeling uninspired?

Chuck away some things, it may kick start a whole new season.

Love always


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Baby Reveal

baby reveal buttonWell the day is here and I am so excited. Today we had a Baby Reveal Party with my family at our weekly family night. Preparing to let those closest to us know whether we are having a baby boy or girl has been the most lovely of times.

Whether a boy or girl, we honestly didn’t mind, but knowing this was our last planned pregnancy I had a little hope in my heart that the cake would be pink inside.

Here are some photos of what happened today.

How exciting!


What are little girls made of?

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And everything nice,

That’s what little girls are made of…


We are so grateful, mostly that she is very healthy.

Speak tomorrow


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Being cool is overrated


I went to the anniversary of my school opening last night. It was a big night time/fete kind of event and it was really great.

My 2 year old loved the music, the balloons, the atmosphere, almost as much as I did.

Walking around my high school though, that was celebrating 25 years since I was in year 8 as a foundation student was really awkward and brilliant!

I stood there waiting for a hamburger realizing the room I was being served from was my year 8 form room and I was there every morning at 8.30am, 25 years ago.

Twenty five long years.

As I was driving home I was thinking ‘how much time did I spend trying to be cool, rather than truly being the best me I could be?’

When you are 37, with children, living the life you have dreamed of, you gain a whole heap of perspective on what is cool and what is not.

I love this quote from the movie ‘Almost famous’

The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you are uncool.

That is the truest statement.

In this online saturated, over communicated world, I see so many people trying to be cool.

The words they write, the photos they post, the lies they produce.

Imagine if we lived our lives not trying to impress others but actually being true to the most inner most of our being.

Stop trying to be cool.

Just be you.

Speak tomorrow


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Blank pages


If I have to tell you the truth I have had a bit of writers block.

Maybe from the emotions of the week.

Maybe from exhaustion from 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Maybe the combination of the long hot summer, in Perth today it was 38 degrees.

Maybe because the topic of singleness is so damn complex.

I don’t want to add another formula to the mix.

I don’t want a book full of cliches and dribble.

I want something practical, compassionate but motivating.

I want God breathed words.

So today I bought a gold journal, I switched off my Facebook and phone.

I wrote on a blank page and words unfolded.

Somedays we just need a new journal, a blank page and to turn off anything that distracts.

A nice pen always helps me as well.

Speak tomorrow I must get back to that blank page.