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jump puddles in your nightie


This morning rain came to our seaside home for the first time in months. Waking to the sound of rain and the warmth of my doona was a gift for this tired mumma this morning.

My son came softly into our room telling us the sun was up and there were puddles to be conquered. ‘Rain has come mum. Can I put my chicken boots on?’

You see he has this pair of gum boots that he only wears when he visits his Nan’s chickens. Today he connected the boots and the rain, ready to explore.

Boots were thrown on, rain jackets peeled over and the puddles became his playground.

‘Take a photo Mum, take a photo.’ but I was only in my nightie and hadn’t even managed a coffee yet. The milk was off, the coffee machine sat ready and I picked up my camera.

Some days, you just need to capture moments that are right in front of you. Making brain pictures of your less than perfect, immeasurably beautiful life.

Running around half naked in the rain with your three year old makes the most perfect start to our weekend.

What memories are in your today that you might be missing?


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other worldliness

My Mum often comments that Max has a frown sometimes.

Not a frown as such but a quizzical look that he is deeply thinking about something.

I know what he’s doing, because he is part me, part my husband and part divine.

I know what he is doing, because I am often doing the same thing.




An other worldliness comes upon him and he is completely lost in his own or something eternals presence.

Ever since he was a baby, whenever we have gone into a sacred space. Whether a church or a gymnasium that is used regularly to worship in, he would stare off and point to the rafters.

I am sure that he saw angels.

I am sure he saw things, that we as adults in our more mature and logical minds have lost the capacity to see.

Other worldliness.

A space of contemplation.


I think our DVD plasma rich worlds, take up the time and space to imagine, pray, meditate and dream.

Our children need more time to themselves.

Developing a healthy understanding of the possibilities beyond.

Another world.

An eternal one.

With golden places and beautiful deep longings.


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creative boom

This video is super inspiring. Reminds me so much of my story.

Have a go and do something that you never thought you ever could.

Love it

Lisa is much further along the journey than me but I have just downloaded her book and can’t wait to get into her creative discovery process.




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she’s not your competition

shes not your competitionIn the world of creativity and even more so in motherhood I am overwhelmed at the amount of people that strive endlessly to compete with one another.

Who ever told you that they were your competition?

We were never designed to compete with each other, we were designed to find our own patch and make it thrive.

Comparison, competition and bitchy behaviour (yes I said it) is so rife in the instgram, mummy- blogging online world.

Why compare?

Why not just find your unique, celebrate and encourage another and run with it.

I am not interested in bringing others down so I can feel better about myself.

Competition is not healthy.

I think competition is terribly destructive.

Two of my greatest friends, who I worked with for over a decade, published a book recently called ‘She’s not your competition.’ I posted this today, because I am preparing to speak at a single women’s event tomorrow with Penny. My message is called ‘She is kind’ and Penny’s message is called ‘She is brilliant’.

We started a women’s network around this time last year called Kinwomen. It is completely flourishing, because at its core it is all about women celebrating one another, rather than pulling each other down.

They are the two fabulous women who mentored and lead me for so many years. They have always released me and championed me, never showed any signs of being threatened by my ideas or my creativity.

Their book is for sale now on my website. For no other reason than I think its great. I’m not making money from it, I just want everyone to live a more released life competition and comparison free.

Join the kinwomen conversation today.

I think Penny and Kelley are fantastic and I am a better woman today because of the way they made a way for me to flourish.

Do you live your life comparing yourself with others?

Are you constantly wanting to pull others down and compete endlessly?

Through instagram/ pinterest/ facebook/ blogs or in real life?

Then maybe its time to stop and face the reality that it is super destructive.

She is not your competition.



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DIY heaven

When I am mentoring people in events and creative direction, often they say ‘I am not sure you can help us, we have a very low budget.’

There is a quick assumption that event management and creative consultancy is all about them spending lots of money.

The assumption is low budget equals little or restricted creativity.

In fact the exact opposite is true.

I believe the less the budget the more creative the client.

When you are placed in a space of tension, you come up with the most amazing solutions.

Lots of money equals less struggle to achieve the end result. Therefore quick decisions happen, especially when we have the budget to throw money at it. I find this often results in no problem solving and stretch, struggle or tension, therefore a less innovative approach.

20130920-183013.jpgEnter my husband and I, married 3 years, a one and a half year old and lots of big ideas.

Our home right now, is a 1970’s beach flat. It is tiny. It is adorable. It is restrictive.

We live 20 steps from the ocean, but we have no front yard, no backyard and we are existing on one wage.

We would love to renovate our kitchen tomorrow, but we don’t have the money for it.

Therefore we have talked and talked, we have searched Gumtree and thought more carefully about our renovations because we don’t have thousands to throw at it.

Today as I sat and watched my son roll down the driveway, with the ocean in the background, I thought that one day we will look back at these days and say they were the best.

Those days when we had a date on the couch rather than buying tickets to an expensive show, when we made lamps out of mason jars, when we dreamed about our kitchen and more.

The times when we made flower boxes out of recycled wood, the days we scrimped and saved to get a couch, those days.

Money never equals happiness.

Money never equals creativity.

20130920-201719.jpgI like collecting ocean scrub as my flowers those days when Lillies cost too much.

I love making my sons sleep suits in those seasons where spending a hundred dollars on a sleeping bag is out of reach.

I love crocheted goods for my friends presents, they carry so much more intention than a quick thoughtless present.

These are the days.

The days that collecting jars and making my own candles and brewing my own yoghurt, will in the future make me smile with delight.
