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30 days till christmas


It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. In Australia the sun starts setting later, the birds squark a little louder, the smell of barbecues and bush fires hint the atmosphere, children look a little sunkissed, our hair becomes a little curly from time soaking in the sea. Christmas is summer here in Australia. Christmas is a time of holidaying, kissing, snoozing, long walks, flies, friends staying a little longer and the promise of better days.

The reason I love Christmas is because it makes me think a little more about what I am doing.

I know our lists are longer, but it takes us to a place of retrospection and remembrance of days gone by.

I like to think of why I am celebrating.

I try to think of the reason for my excitement.

I long to experience a Christmas where I am fully grounded in the story from 2,000 years ago.

A story of a child.

A story full of lack (no bed, little money, no hospital, no fancy angel monitors, gro-eggs, or gro-bags)

A simple story of a birth, but magnificently extravagant with Angels swooning, rich old wise men rushing, shepherds hiding in paddocks stilled and noticing.

This moment as simple as it was, changed our history.

It’s only the truly aware who notice it’s importance however.

I am sure the other inhabitants of the inn had no idea that the bed they laid their heads on that night, stole a pillow from a King.

A Man-child.

A Saviour.

Don’t be like the people in the inn, the keeper and the people walking and hurrying past that barn that night.

So obsessed with their tasks, that they have no time to reflect on the happenings around them.

I’d love you to join me in this 30 day journey towards Christmas through my latest ebook Capture 30 merry days

Take time to peg back the crazy’s and still yourself in the midst of the madness and prepare yourself for the special moments that need to be captured this Christmas.

Join me

30 days to go!

All my Christmas love






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Last year I was a creative consultant for Easterfest. It was crazy.

I had my little maximus running around the festival site. He was less than a year old, my husband came also and we were blown away.

I have just finished putting together some creative concepts for Easterfest this year.

creative concepts

Would you like to join me?

It is going to be crazy.

Email me with your ideas, or go straight to the event organisers and pitch your ideas.


There is enough creativity to go around.

Lets create together




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a curator of culture

curate creative culture

Tonight I am speaking at a creative event and I am speaking on what it means to be a curator of culture.

I believe we all have the capacity to change culture.

You can change the culture of your home, you can change the culture of your heart.

You can change culture.

The people that make a difference in their lifetime though, are the ones that impact whole cultures of people.

Art impacts culture, writing impacts culture, music impacts culture, food impacts culture.

To curate is to specifically work towards; to select, organise or look after a collection or exhibition.

What if you curated culture?

What if you began by curating a creative culture in your own life and then you were so okay with your unique, that you impacted culture at large.

Here is a downloadable printable of 30 ways to curate creative change in your everyday

30 ways to curate creative culture printable

Enjoy and pass it on.

Create often



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other worldliness

My Mum often comments that Max has a frown sometimes.

Not a frown as such but a quizzical look that he is deeply thinking about something.

I know what he’s doing, because he is part me, part my husband and part divine.

I know what he is doing, because I am often doing the same thing.




An other worldliness comes upon him and he is completely lost in his own or something eternals presence.

Ever since he was a baby, whenever we have gone into a sacred space. Whether a church or a gymnasium that is used regularly to worship in, he would stare off and point to the rafters.

I am sure that he saw angels.

I am sure he saw things, that we as adults in our more mature and logical minds have lost the capacity to see.

Other worldliness.

A space of contemplation.


I think our DVD plasma rich worlds, take up the time and space to imagine, pray, meditate and dream.

Our children need more time to themselves.

Developing a healthy understanding of the possibilities beyond.

Another world.

An eternal one.

With golden places and beautiful deep longings.


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how beautiful is

hbi-logoCapture Consulting has been working with Vanessa Hoyes on her blog helping her team get ready for a 40 day journey called ‘She Lives Bold’.

They are going on a pilgrimage of discovery and hope leading up to their boutique women’s conference.

As a little gift for the girls embarking on the journey I designed this printable to download A blessing for your travel with a fabulous poem Vanessa refers to in her opening post.

Below is also photo scripture montage I put together inspired by the first scripture from day one of the journey.

blessing for your travel



The word inheritance is often associated with money or financial gain. It is really interesting to take time and reflect on what our inheritance is beyond monetary gain.

Exciting days.


